2019 - in progress
“Towards a poetic rhymotomy”
artist notes (arts-based PostDoc 2017-2019)
“sentence = sculptural object. ///. visual poetry = network of sculptures. ///. text = material = sound through walking”
artist notes (arts-based PostDoc 2017-2019)
IANUS (work in progress) constitutes an interactive installation in public space, an expanded performative situation / an interactive sculpture of passage-frames (gates) which spatialise poetry into site both as an object and a sound; experienced through walking. The work explores door frame (gate) as an expanded sculptural object. It focuses on the semiotics of transmediating words into sonic door frames bounded into place as well as how the process of reading and narrative can be altered to a performative ritual of walking through sculpted objects.
Therefore, IANUS reveals a twofold function: i) acting as a minimalist system of poetic objects (monuments) into the landscape and ii) forming a spatialized hyperlink for a poem verse which can be activated only through presence and walking. IANUS forms an indicative example between installation art, land art and performance through the use of interactive and digital media in public space. In conceptual terms, IANUS forms a work related to Herma (section: Text-based)
7 sculptural interactive objects, installation, interaction, poetry
Technical: 7 interactive sound frames, metallic sculptures, sensors, speakers poetry,
Year: 2019 – today (in progress)
Concept – Creation: Bill Psarras
2D digital visualisation / architectural consultancy: Reggina Antonopoulou (>)
3D metal sculpture assistance: various
Programming assistance: various
Photos / Arts-based PostDoc
The work has been conceived and designed as part of Bill Psarras arts-based postdoctoral research funded by IKY: State Scholarships Foundation (2017-19) The work was exclusively conceived for public space as an expanded performative installation. Artwork 2D visualisation: here