Weaving Footsteps and Confessions
“pixels of experience; emerging rhythmicities”
artist (PhD thesis, 2015: 161-163)
Weaving Footsteps and Confessions is a time-based work, an audiovisual piece part of the Emotive Circle shared walk (2012). It has been composed by filmic fragments and dialogue of the discussion; weaved together through moments of “tuning” between the expressed words and the mechanised “sonic wrap” of metronome.
On 22nd of November 2012, Bill Psarras conducted a 7 hours shared walk; walking a spiral with an invited co-walker, around the Lycabettus mount at the centre of Athens, Greece. The artist intended to walk, sense and express their emotion while walking and talking into a metaphorical interrelation between the social crisis (city) and personal one (self). His intention of walking a circle was to conduct a metaphorical "weaving" of the different areas around Lycabettus mount - areas with different social, spatial and historical ambiances. The artist’s concept draws connections to Benjaminian flaneur; bringing it into the 21st century city of multiple contradictions. The walk was documented through filming, sound recording, notes and GPS data. [see details: Emotive Circle, 2012 / section: Installation]
audiovisual collage, GPS data based on Emotive Circle series
Technical: Full HD, 16:9, single channel, stereo sound, colour
Duration: 17:10’
Year: 2013
Concept, Direction and Creation: Bill Psarras
Co-walker: S. Ntzioras
Cinematography: Nikolas Grigoriou
Main camera: Nikolas Grigoriou
Additional camera: Dimitris Dermousis
Montage: Bill Psarras
Weaving Footsteps and Confessions has been included at the MOVE (WITH) OUT nomadic project (curated by Something Human curatorial team of Annie Kwan) with various screenings across Europe and Asia (Portugal, UK, Italy, Singapore, Hungary) between 2013-2015.
Artwork: https://vimeo.com/67234435
Courtesy of the artist | © 2020 Bill Psarras

please refer to Emotive Circle for more information regarding the conceptual background of Weaving Footsteps and Confessions (website section: Installations)
Weaving Footsteps and Confessions was invited to be exhibited across Europe and Asia as part of the MOVE WITH (OUT) project (2013-2015).
The following video is a documentation of that curatorial process