Objects in Odysseys
“..words are ideas in odysseys, vessels with unpredicted readers and geographical coordinates. Sea seems to be both a page and an author. I shall expect the unexpected.”
artist’s notes (2020)
“..how many different combinations for various Odysseys out there made of woods, fabrics, plastics, fishnets, human bodies, lifevests, intentions, words and fears?”
artist’s notes (2020)
Objects in Odysseys constitutes a performance for camera but also a durational work of art in the intersections of the poetic and the technological; a work created by both the artist and the sea. Having Odyssey and histories of messages in the bottle across seas and eras; an anecdote poetic sentence is fragmented and integrated into small sculptural objects accompanied with fabric with text and GPS sensor. The objects are left to travel on the sea surface; taking the form of drifting materialities towards unexpected trajectories. A common thread brings together the poetic word, geolocation, objects and fluid mobility. Linguistic objects float, driven by changing currents and chance upon a sea surface which is ascribed with agency and potential. The artist creates a poetic condition for the future made of objects, gestures, intentions and words; revealing a universal link between life, sea, womb and destination. The work will also present a series of artworks during 2020-2021 across different media (text, installation, video, digital art), which will be published online.
Performance for camera, video installation, objects with poem, GPS data
Technical: Full HD video, 16:9, colour, stereo sound, two-channel installation
Original shooting format: 4K
Year: 2020 / Artwork in progress
Duration: 15:27’
Concept - Performance - Creation: Bill Psarras
Main camera and drone: John Tsanis
Extra camera and drone: Chris Spanos
English subtitling: Nadia Georgiou (>)
Available: https://vimeo.com/457668737
©2020 Bill Psarras

The work has been invited / commissioned for the Images of a Floating World group exhibition, organised and produced by Primarolia platform for the Primarolia Festival 2020 in Aigio (Greece). Curator: Nansy Charitonidou / Participating artists: Susan Collins, Francesco Kiais, Athanasopoulou Katerina, Thodoros Zafeiropoulos, Yiannis Kranidiotis, Virginia Mastrogiannaki, Bill Balaskas, Leda Pavli, Bill Psarras