
what is hidden, needs to be seen

an ephemeral, luminous and intermittent poetic phrase while floating in the sea

artist’s notes (2021)


light signal as an gestural islet

artist’s notes (2021)


Islet constitutes a sea-performance for camera, an ephemeral in-sea event where the artist transmits through light signals based on International Morse Code his message ‘what is hidden needs to be seen’ (artist, 2021). The luminous gestural performance takes place on a floating boat in the sea while light signals are intermittently guided towards coast. Georges-Didi Huberman in his book Survival of the Fireflies refers to the fireflies as poetic and political light units where their pale and instant light contrasts the great light beams. Intermittence through disappearance and re-appearance becomes a process with intention towards an encoded message which performs itself. Luminous event becomes a gestural islet of communication; a silent action which intents to remind, to hope, to play, to become a lighthouse for the other.



Sea-performance for camera, light source, phrase in Morse Code

Technical: Full HD video, 16:9, colour, stereo sound

Original shooting format: 4K

Year: 2021

Duration: 8.17’


Concept - Performance - Creation: Bill Psarras

Main camera: Chris Spanos

Available: https://vimeo.com/576266776

Trailer: https://vimeo.com/576137419

Acknowledgments: The artist would like to thank the people of INOA for their support

©2021 courtesy of the artist / Bill Psarras

Official selection for

Cadence Video Poetry Festival 2022 (US)


The work has been invited to participate in the group exhibition “Haiti-Greece 1821-2021: Journey to Freedom: Respect”, curated by Leda Papaconstantinou, in Saint Nicolas Church of the Old Harbour in Spetses island (07 August - 18 September 2021)

The exhibition is under the aegis of the President of the Hellenic Republic (2021)




Objects in Odysseys